Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Specifying Type

This assignment was entitled "Specifying Type". It required the use of Adobe Illustrator.The purpose of this assignment was to recreate the first four different types of font from the information gathered. Then for the last two based on the information given you would have to create the different types of type. It was supposed to help with understanding type ad type tools better by learning about type size, font, style, type leading, alignment, and line length. This assignment also taught about proper measurements and how to recreate type The steps for this assignment re listed below.

1. Figure out the type size by using a ruler and place it on upper left hand side of the boxes on the worksheet that was given by the teacher.

2. In the upper right hand box place the font and type information. Font can be Serif, San Serif, or Script.

3. Then place type leading in the lower left side box. Type leading is the measurement of the space of letters from baseline to baseline.

4. Then After that open up Adobe Illustrator and using the type tools recreate the first four types.

5. Create a box next to each type showing its information and also type up the two at the bottom and figure out what they look like based on information.

6. After that remember to check your work.
The assignment was not perfect it did have a few measurement errors but it did contain valuable information on how to recreate type.

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