The name of this assignment is marble paper flip pad and it did not require any software to create. The objective of this project was to create a proper flip pad created with marble art sheets and include paper that was placed within the flip pad evenly and have the proper function. The steps for creating this product are listed below.
1. Get long sheets of paper and dip into paint colors the producer selected ad allow the paper to take up the color (do this step 3-5 time). After this allow the marble paper to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
2. After that measure the dry marble paper and draw out the where you are going to cut it on the back and cut out the marble paper to the size indicated. You should end up with two big pieces and two small pieces.
3 Then tape a small piece of card board to a bigger piece leave some space so it can easily be flipped up latter.(do this twice)
4. Then glue the big pieces on one side of each of the cardboard and allow the extra part of the paper to fold over inside and glue it on the the inside part of the cardboard. The place the small marble paper on the inside and glue. After this allow the glue to dry.
5. After the marble cardboard is dry get about 50 sheets of paper and align it between the two pieces of cardboard. (only one side should touch the edge of the cardboard).
6. Then drill two holes at the top where the paper meets the edge at each side.
7. The place the screws that will hold the paper in place and this will complete the marble flip pad.
The assignment had a few errors such as the fact the paper was not positioned properly or evenly and the first piece of paper had marks on it from the marble paper which would indicate it was not dry. Although the design was nice and it still did it's function properly.
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