Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Notepad Project

This assignment is called the Notepad Project. The software used for this project was Adobe Illustrator. The objective of this project was to create a well designed, well organized, perfectly function, in short amount of time, and properly measured notepad for writing. The steps are listed below.

1. First you have to set up the paper in Adobe Illustrator with the proper measurements the paper should be 8 inches in height and 11 inches in width but the design should be a quarter of an inch away from the edges of the paper so everything prints out properly. It would be best to set up guides to show the proper spots. Also the guides can be used to divide the paper at 5.5 inches by width so two notepads can be created

2. For the first design create the first and last name at the top of the page.

3. Then create the butterflies, ladybugs, leafs, flowers, and grass by breaking symbol and changing everything to grey scale.

4. Use the scatter brush to make multiple butterflies look spread out in a nice pattern.

5. Use the butterflies and lady bugs to make a nice pattern and group them.

6. Add grass at the bottom of both notepads and divide them equal. On one add a flower at the bottom corner and on the other add a leaf.

7. The print out a single copy correct any mistakes and make 50 copies and place cardboard behind it to for the back.

9. then use the cutting machine two cut the pages in half at 5.5 inches so they can be divided into two notepads. Also make sure the sides are even before gluing.

10. apply three coats of glue one coat after the previous one has dried estimated time should be about 15 minutes per coat. Then after that you should be done!

The notepads were not completely evened out and they needed to have weights on them for 24 hours which caused delay in the production and paper got glued to the back. Although that was bad the consumers loved the notepad and the design turned out well because it gave enough room for the proper functions of a notepad.

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