Friday, July 30, 2010
Dear Old Grandfather Restored and Color
The assignment is called Dear Old Grandfather.The software used was Adobe Photoshop. The purpose was to fix up an old picture and then apply color to make it look natural without losing any historical value. The final picture should be dust and scratch free for the first result and then color should look naturally applied. The steps are listed below.
1. Create a after copy based on the original on separate layers on Adobe Photoshop.
2. Create a heal layer over the after layer to fix mistakes. Use the clone tool to go over the big scratch at the center of the picture without harming the actual picture.
3. Take a snapshot in histories after it is removed and go into dust and scratches. While in dust and scratches set up radius not as low as possible and threshold as high as possible without seeing the dust.
4. Take a snapshot again and call it blur and leave source on this layer.
5. Then go back to the first snapshot and and use history tool to fix dust and scratches on the picture.
6. After that fix the mans eye by using marquee tool over the good eye and jumping it to a new layer and adjusting it over the old eye. Then save and save as a separate document to get ready for the next part.
7. Open the separate document to fix up the colors. Use quick mask to select parts of the picture then save selection and load selection and go to adjustment layers(hue and saturation) to fix colors
8. After the colors are set the project is complete.
The first part was not that difficult and the damage did not seem to difficult to remove. The second part with the colors was difficult because it was hard to tell what part was what at some points.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Family Picture Repair Project
The assignment is entitled Family Picture Repair. The software used was Adobe Photoshop. The objective of this project was to restore and old picture.The tape at the top and bottom had to be removed, the gentleman sitting all the way to the right had to get his nose fixed, and dust had to be removed without lossing any historical value to the picture. The picture to the left is the before picure and the picture on the right is the after picture. Steps are lsited below.
1. Make a copy of the original and call it after.
2. Create a heal layer to use to fix the tape at the top and bottom by using cloning tool. Make sure not to destroy the signature at the bottom or line at the top.
3. Open up histories and take a snapshot.
4. Then go to Dust and Scratches and set the radius low just enough to make all the dust disappear and the Threashold high but not too high so the dust does not reappear.
5. Then take a smapshot of that and call it blur and set sources on this layer.
6. Go back to the first snapshot and use the history brush to remove all the dust.
7. Fix the side of the pages with clone tool.
8. The copy the other mans nose and use command J to jump to new layer and place it over the damage nose and fix it up to look like the damaged nose but without damage. Lower the opacity to make the real nose stand out without the damage. Then the project is complete.
It was a quick assignment but it was difficult to get all the dust. The picture was restored without casing any loss in the history of the picture.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Flawless Skin Project
This assignment is called flawless skin. The software used was Adobe Phothoshop. The objective of this assignment is to transform this ordinary girl (top picture) into a flawless person so she could be in Vogue magazine(bottom picture). The tools most important to this assignment were used on this layers, save quick mask, heal tool, clone tool, and adjustment layers. The steps are listed below.
1. First open up Adobe Photoshop and make another copy of the girl to make before and after shots on separate layers. Also use save selection to save the background.
2. Create a heal layer where all the cloning and heal tool can fix all the blemishes from her skin and remove the glare on her face. When satisfied combine the layer heal and after.
3. Make a new layer of the girl from the copying after and call it blur and make it blurry and erase all the detailed parts so they can be noticed. Then place the saved selection background on top to make her sides smooth. Then decide on a perfect opacity.
4. Select her eyes by using quick mask and brush tool and go to adjustment layer and change her eye color to green by hue and saturation.
5. On a new adjustment layer use hue and saturation to turn the screen green then fill up the layer with black so the green cannot be seen. Then use erase to erase over her eyes to see her eyeshadow.
6.Use quick mask again with adjustment layer to create a nice color for her lips and blush.After that the assignment is completed and she is ready for Vogue!
This assignment was interesting and not that difficult and the end result was pretty good.
Black Square Project
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Travel Project
1. First select a background, set resolution and size use crop or canvas if necessary.
2. Bring in one picture to place in the ad and use quick mask along with gradient tool to adjust it to the setting of the background. Make sure to place it in an appropriate area and be sure the resolution is the same.
3. Then select next image and do the same.
4. Then create a title for the company use the type tool options to adjust the title. Then use eyedropper key to select a color for the title from the background.
5. Add subheading and adjust size and location and use the same color as the title.
The project turned out pretty good except for the fact there was a grammatical error and type could have been moved a little over but now the errors are fixed and the assignment is ready to make sales.
Nextco Project
The assignment is called Nextco. The software used on it was Adobe Photoshop. The purpose of this assignment was to recreate an ad for the Nextco company. The tools that had to be used were quick mask, gradient tool, canvas, and type tool. The steps were listed below.
1. Drag background onto Phothoshop and add a black canvas underneath it and make it blend in with the shadows.
2. On a new layer drag in the airplane and use quick mask and gradient tool to make it blend in more with the surroundings.
3. Bring the cellphone in on a new layer and make it blend in more with quick mask and gradient tool as well.
4. Then add the text using type tool and type characteristics to make the title stand out more.
5. Look over the assignment for errors and make correct then you are done.
The assignment did not come out perfectly the airplane did not completely blend in with the surroundings but the type worked well and it turned out okay.
LA Zoo Post Card
This project is entitled "LA Zoo Post Card". The software used is Adobe Photoshop. The purpose of this assignment is to is to practice photoshop type tool, strokes, cropping pictures, resize pictures, and having the correct resolution. The steps are listed below.
1. The rough draft is already set so it is up to the designer to follow the guidelines to make it.
2. First get all five of the pictures ready from the many choices make one 3.5 inches by 5 inches and 4 choices 1.125 inches by 1.125 inches. Make sure the resolution is 300. Most of the pictures are not the same size as required so they have to be cropped to that size.
3. After the pictures are completed add strokes of 38 pixels.
4. Then open a new Adobe Photoshop and with a height of 5.25 inches and a width of 8.5 inches. Also add a stroke of 75 pixels.
5. Then pick the color for the background from the color pallet.
6. Then pull in the big picture and put it in the upper right hand corner. Also pull in the smaller pictures and align them at the bottom.
7. Add the text using type tool. Select proper location, size, two fun fonts, and color.
8. After that check to make sure everything is done correctly and then you're done!
The assignment did have one error which was that it did not have contrasting fonts they were very similar. Other then that it turned a pretty well.
This assignment is called "Invitation" it required the software Adobe Photoshop. The purpose of it is to use the canvas tool. It requires one image on the front of the invitation as well as a message and designed by written on the back. The steps are listed below.
1. Find a happy birthday greeting on the web and save it as a photoshop file.
2. Create a rough of the card including the picture and it should be the accurate size of the what the final product will look like. So it is important to measure and cut out accurately and don't forget to leave room for the canvas.
3. When completed open Adobe Illustrator and the happy birthday picture on the page and add a canvas around the image by 2 inches in height and width.
4. After that type up "You Are Invited" on the top and "To the best party of the year" at the bottom include colors from the picture include appropriate font style and size.
5. Then double the size of the entire page by using command+option+c to open up canvas and double the page horizontally.That half will make the back cover.
6. On the back cover type designed by followed by your name to add the finishing touch.
7. Then check you a you are done!
The project contained a few error like the fact the type was not equally divided and was to big. These errors have been correct to make an amazing invitation that will be successful to creating the perfect birthday party start!
Specifying Type
This assignment was entitled "Specifying Type". It required the use of Adobe Illustrator.The purpose of this assignment was to recreate the first four different types of font from the information gathered. Then for the last two based on the information given you would have to create the different types of type. It was supposed to help with understanding type ad type tools better by learning about type size, font, style, type leading, alignment, and line length. This assignment also taught about proper measurements and how to recreate type The steps for this assignment re listed below.
1. Figure out the type size by using a ruler and place it on upper left hand side of the boxes on the worksheet that was given by the teacher.
2. In the upper right hand box place the font and type information. Font can be Serif, San Serif, or Script.
3. Then place type leading in the lower left side box. Type leading is the measurement of the space of letters from baseline to baseline.
4. Then After that open up Adobe Illustrator and using the type tools recreate the first four types.
5. Create a box next to each type showing its information and also type up the two at the bottom and figure out what they look like based on information.
6. After that remember to check your work.
The assignment was not perfect it did have a few measurement errors but it did contain valuable information on how to recreate type.
Monster Project
1. Use three boxes to make three columns filled with type it should be filled with fill in type and then make the first letter go down three rows of type and make it brown.
2.then create the brown squiggly line and make a shadow underneath it.
3. Add the big picture by using command D to open up files and dragging it inside. Then place it properly and cut off the edges.
4. Use copies of the big picture to make the small pictures by copying and cutting it down to the correct size and cutting of the edges
5. Make the title and all other columns of type on the left hand side correct sizes and correct colors. Use fun type to attract kids.
6. Then make the type format the top overlap each other for a cool look.
7. Make the dollar sign for the type at the same top length as the 5 and bring the word ticket down to about halfway.
8. Then use the shape tool to create a star then paint it down and place the words inside it.
9. After checking the assignment carefully it is complete.
The type for the assignment could have been more playful to get the attention of kids. Other then that the monster project was a success.
Commodities to Culture Project
This assignment is entitled "Commodities to Culture". The software used for this assignment is Adobe Photoshop. This assignment help familiarize person to the selection tools in Photoshop such as magic wand, quick wand, marquee, lasso, type tool, magnetic lasso, and crop tool. It also showed the importance of resolution. The assignment was to take 9 items used everyday and remove them from there background and place them in boxes and also include type at the end it should look like a business ad or postcard. The steps are listed below.
1. Find 9 everyday used objects from the Internet and save them onto your desktop.
2. Then create 4 thumbnails representing different ideas on how to display these images.
3. Then select the best one and create a 6 inch by 8.5 inch rough showing how the final product will look. Include heading, subheading, body copy, and 9 boxes. Make sure that the boxes are the same size as the ones you will make on Adobe Photoshop they should be 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches.
4. After that is decided open up Adobe Photoshop and set up the page it should be 6 inches by 8.5 just like the rough. Also set the resolution to the proper amount which is normally 300.
5. For page set up decide were the text should go on the pages based on the rough design, decide on fonts, and make sure to have a quarter inch margin from the page. Create the type for the title, subheading, and body copy by using the type tool on Adobe Photoshop.Do not worry about layers because Photoshop automatically makes type layers
6. Next create the boxes using only Adobe Phothoshop tools and change the colors on the boxes and the background so the boxes and background work properly.
7. After all that is set up it is time to bring in the nine items. First open them individually in their own Adobe Photoshop. Make sure all the items will fit into the boxes and the resolution is the same as the page they will be placed on.
8. For the DS and shoes just use the marquee tool to make a circle around the object then use magic wand and option to take away white space. Then drag them onto the page with the boxes and place them inside the boxes.
9. Next use the quick wand the teacup to move it out of its background. Then drag it onto the box page and place it in the box.
10. Use the magnetic lasso on the pants, shirt, and laptop to move them out of their backgrounds. Then drag them onto the page with the boxes and place them in their boxes.
11. Use the regular lasso tool on the pencils, television, and sweater to remove them from their background and drag them onto the boxes in.
12. After that is completed check over the images make sure everything is correct and you are done.
This project did contain a few errors. The Fonts sizes were pretty close together and the background color was light but some of the text was still hard to read. Although it did give a business sort of look to it and also the boxes were perfectly aligned and so was the body copy.
Anime Project
This assignment is entitled Anime Project. The software used for this assignment was Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. The purpose of this assignment was to create a magazine cover with an anime character designed by yourself. It had to have a Title, subheading, three teasers, a bar code, the volume, the edition, and of course the anime character. The project emphasised the use of the pen tool found in Adobe Illustrator to recreate it for the magazine. The steps for this assignment are listed below.
1. First create an original anime character that could fit in a page that is about 8 inches by 11 inches.
2. Create 6 thumbnails for magazine ideas that show different ways of representing the magazine.Make sure to include the anime character.
3. Then select the best to create the rough which should be 8 inches in width and 10 inches in height that is the actual size of the real one. Include all the information necessary such as the three teasers, anime drawing, title, subheading, and much more.
4. Then scan the drawing into Adobe Photoshop and adjust it properly and open with Adobe Illustrator.
5. In illustrator use the pen tool to sketch over the parts of the character in different layers and make sure the Opacity is set low so the original can be seen.
6. Draw out all the body parts and accessories then fill them in with color. When it is all ready group it together to create on amazing anime character.
7. Open up a new Adobe Illustrator and Drag the Anime Character into it make sure the page size is 8 inches by 10 inches. Make sure the character fits into the page properly.
8. The create the background on its own layer this one had a green gradient background that was made by the radial gradient tool and it matched with the skirt.
9. Then Create the title, subheading, teasers, volume, and date. Also demonstrate two different styles of font to so contrast. Also work on size, location, and color
10. Then place the bar code in the bottom right hand corner and place "the best look" star on her.
11. To make her stand out more add a black rectangle to go partly behind her going vertically and one behind the magazine title to make it stand out more going horizontally.
12. After it is complete look over it and make sure there are no errors then you are complete.
This assignment seemed to a little plain and the colors did not seem to complement each other completely. Also the anime character was not draw out on Adobe Illustrator properly. Although it seemed as though the dolls skirt and background worked together perfectly and that the fonts greatly contrasted.
Notepad Project
This assignment is called the Notepad Project. The software used for this project was Adobe Illustrator. The objective of this project was to create a well designed, well organized, perfectly function, in short amount of time, and properly measured notepad for writing. The steps are listed below.
1. First you have to set up the paper in Adobe Illustrator with the proper measurements the paper should be 8 inches in height and 11 inches in width but the design should be a quarter of an inch away from the edges of the paper so everything prints out properly. It would be best to set up guides to show the proper spots. Also the guides can be used to divide the paper at 5.5 inches by width so two notepads can be created
2. For the first design create the first and last name at the top of the page.
3. Then create the butterflies, ladybugs, leafs, flowers, and grass by breaking symbol and changing everything to grey scale.
4. Use the scatter brush to make multiple butterflies look spread out in a nice pattern.
5. Use the butterflies and lady bugs to make a nice pattern and group them.
6. Add grass at the bottom of both notepads and divide them equal. On one add a flower at the bottom corner and on the other add a leaf.
7. The print out a single copy correct any mistakes and make 50 copies and place cardboard behind it to for the back.9. then use the cutting machine two cut the pages in half at 5.5 inches so they can be divided into two notepads. Also make sure the sides are even before gluing.
10. apply three coats of glue one coat after the previous one has dried estimated time should be about 15 minutes per coat. Then after that you should be done!
The notepads were not completely evened out and they needed to have weights on them for 24 hours which caused delay in the production and paper got glued to the back. Although that was bad the consumers loved the notepad and the design turned out well because it gave enough room for the proper functions of a notepad.
Marble Art
The name of this assignment is marble paper flip pad and it did not require any software to create. The objective of this project was to create a proper flip pad created with marble art sheets and include paper that was placed within the flip pad evenly and have the proper function. The steps for creating this product are listed below.
1. Get long sheets of paper and dip into paint colors the producer selected ad allow the paper to take up the color (do this step 3-5 time). After this allow the marble paper to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
2. After that measure the dry marble paper and draw out the where you are going to cut it on the back and cut out the marble paper to the size indicated. You should end up with two big pieces and two small pieces.
3 Then tape a small piece of card board to a bigger piece leave some space so it can easily be flipped up latter.(do this twice)
4. Then glue the big pieces on one side of each of the cardboard and allow the extra part of the paper to fold over inside and glue it on the the inside part of the cardboard. The place the small marble paper on the inside and glue. After this allow the glue to dry.
5. After the marble cardboard is dry get about 50 sheets of paper and align it between the two pieces of cardboard. (only one side should touch the edge of the cardboard).
6. Then drill two holes at the top where the paper meets the edge at each side.
7. The place the screws that will hold the paper in place and this will complete the marble flip pad.
The assignment had a few errors such as the fact the paper was not positioned properly or evenly and the first piece of paper had marks on it from the marble paper which would indicate it was not dry. Although the design was nice and it still did it's function properly.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Symbol Project - Color Prediction
1. Create six thumbnails incorporating different illustrations for the article and including where heading, subheading, and 2 columns of three inch type will be located.
2. Create a rough based on one of the the six thumbnails which is accurately portrays the illustration that will be created on Adobe Illustrator include accurate size of page and locations of items such as flowers, title, subheading etc.
3. Use Adobe Illustrator to create the specific layers starting with background with includes the blue sky, model, yellow article boxes, and green ground
4. On a second layer create the various flowers using shape tool and rotation tool.
5. Then create the 3 roses at the bottom on another layer using shape tool, to create rectangular stem and circles which include gradients for rose colors. Then use effects to roughen the sides. Afterward use scale and rotate tools along with action pallet to create the roses. Use these flowers inside the models coat as well.
6. Then on the next layer create the big flower using the same steps as used for the three smaller and include the title.
7. Then create another layer to include leaves. The green leaf path is created through the use of scatter brush and the other leaves are brought in from symbol pallet. Add the bugs from symbols and break the link to adjust them.
8. Then the subheading is added to the side and the black lines below the columns are added .
9. Then it is taken into InDesign to fill with type inside the columns then your done!
This assignment could be changed a little because it is not perfect. The three roses at the middle have a dark black stroke which could be eliminated to have a much stronger power. Also there could be more contrast with the colors because this project is made almost entirely of light and soft colors. Although these mistakes where harmful the overall project showed a great example of selling the product and had a true spring style to it with all the flowers and bugs.